Jo Jo - GCHB CH Juju N Onsengeltje Out of the Blue FCAT
JoJo is our "keeper" from the Dewey x Rhani "Imagine" litter born 8/1/2020. At his very first show, he was awarded Best in Sweepstakes, and Winners Dog/Best of Winners for a 5 point major at the Dalmatian Club of North Texas Regional Specialty in March 2021 under breeder judges Ed Petit and Tim Robbins. Along the way to his championship, he was also awarded Specialty major wins at Dalmatian Club of the Piedmont under Breeder Judges Meg Hennessey and Cheryl Steinmetz. Notably, another breeder judge Charlie Garvin awarded Jo Jo Reserve Winners at the Dalmatian Club of Greater St. Louis regional specialty preceding our Dalmatian Club of America National Specialty from a field of more than 50 class dogs! Just for grins, he was awarded an Owner Handler Group First! JoJo finished his championship in just 4 shows (counting the National) with four major wins the day before his first birthday! In limited showing as a special, Jo Jo completed his Grand Champion Bronze and has some regular group placements including a Group 1st. He is a National Owner Handler Series Gold level with many Group 1sts in that category and multiple years as an NOHS Top 10 Finalist. Jo Jo is full of positive energy, happy go lucky, and we think quite a nice package for the show ring. We are excited to see what he can do as he matures. For now, he is a silly liver boy that makes us laugh a lot!
Bred and Owned By Toni Linstedt & Carola Adams
NOHS MBIS BISS GCH Carrie Faith's Just A Cool Dude x NOHS BIS/MRBIS MBISS GCHG Can CH EnchantedHartNJuju Crossing Borders At Onsengeltje
8/1/2020 23" Tall 60 lbs CHIC # 173316
B.A.E.R Bilateral OFA Hips - Excellent
Normal - OFA Eyes, Thyroid, Elbows
Rhani - NOHS BIS/MRBIS MBISS GCHG Can CH Enchanted HartNJuju Crossing Borders At Onsengeltje BCAT
RhaniBred by Linda Stafford, Toni Linstedt, Samantha Stafford
Owned by Toni Linstedt & Carola Adams GCHB Juju’s Busy Being Fabulous x CH Enchanted Hart So Chic Sweet Note 8/21/16 22” Tall CHIC # 133357 BAER Bilateral Hips Excellent Normal: Cardiac, Elbows, Eyes, Thyroid Rhani's Pedigree |
Rhani is our pick puppy from our co-bred litter with Enchanted Hart Dalmatians. She is our 4th Generation DCA Top Twenty Qualifier, preceded by her sire, Raj, her grandsire, Danny, and her great granddam, Lucy. She was born at Enchanted Hart Dalmatians and grew up in New Brunswick, Canada with Carola Adams at Onsengeltje Dalmatians. Rhani easily finished her Canadian and American champion titles winning several Canadian Best Puppy in Show Awards and Regular Group Placements. She finished her AKC CH and GCH titles in just 4 weekends including Specialty Winners Bitch, Best of Winners and Best of Opposite Awards. She was the Dalmatian Club of America (DCA) National Specialty Best Junior in Sweepstakes and the Canadian National Specialty BISS in 2017.
In 2018, she crossed the border again to come live with us. In less than half a year of showing she qualified for DCA’s Top Twenty by winning many breed wins including multiple BISS and many group placements including a Group 1st – all owner handled. She also was awarded an NOHS RBIS and many NOHS Group 1sts to finish as one of the top 10 NOHS Dalmatians in 2018. 2019 brought more nice wins in somewhat limited showing including another Group 1st, multiple other Group Placements, another BISS, another NOHS RBIS, an NOHS BIS, and a DCA AOM! She qualified for the second consecutive year for DCA Top Twenty and as an NOHS Finalist. We’ve had a lot of fun showing this beautiful and funny girl! Rhani took 2020 off to be a mom. She was bred twice - once in Canada at Carola's house and then got back across the border just before it was closed by COVID to come home and be bred here. She produced very pretty puppies with good hearing stats (one uni out of 6) and five of six were to compete in AKC Conformation. Of those, only Jo Jo went on to show, but two of the others are major pointed before the owners decided they did not want to show them. We plan one more litter for Rhani in the fall of 2022. Rhani now has 4 Best in Specialty Show awards and is close to 100 Best of Breed Wins. She was spayed in 2023 after a life threatening illness caused by her third pregnancy. But we look forward to showing her as a Veteran at specialty shows. Rhani has beautiful balanced side gait, a correct front assembly, and exceptional Breed type. These are the things judges have told us they most like about her. We like her sweet and quirky temperament and her hugs and kisses! |
Baili - GCH CH Juju's Bewitching Bailiwick (L)
Bred by Dave and Toni Linstedt GCH CH Rockledge's Bring Them Young x BISS GCH CH Anticipation Here's Lucy! 5/6/2009 20 1/2" Tall BAER Bilateral CHIC # 73742 OFA Hips Good; Normal: Elbows, Thyroid, Cardiac, DM; CERF: Clear of ISD Baili's Pedigree |
Baili is our pick puppy from our first litter. She is a very typey bitch full of spunk! She is compact, square, and exceptionally balanced.
Baili was shown exclusively in the Bred By Exhibitor classes and earned her AKC CH at the age of just 17 months. We are pleased that her quality was recognized by breeder judges Meg Callea and Barbara Lyons with placements in Futurity and Sweeps at the 2010 Dalmatian Club of America National Specialty. She finished her AKC CH with two 5-point specialty majors including a Specialty Best of Winners, Specialty Best of Opposite and Specialty Best in Sweeps. Thank you to breeder judge Molly Martin and to Steve Keating for those nice wins! Baili was shown selectively by Mark Bettis during 2011 and easily earned her GCH title. She enjoyed some nice breed wins and group placements as well. In 2012, she was bred to CAN MBIS BISS MRBIS GCH Excellent/AM RBIS BISS GCHB Onsengeltje Enough Said, CGN (Danny). She produced 7 beautiful pups, 3 of whom went on to be AKC CH. Raj, our keeper went on to be a Bronze GCHB, group winner, 2014 DCA Top Twenty Qualifier, and 2015 and 2016 NOHS finalist. Baili is now 14 years+ old and still going strong! |
Over the Rainbow Bridge
Raj - GCHB Juju's Busy Being Fabulous
Bred by Dave & Toni Linstedt
CAN MBIS MRBIS BISS GCH Excellent/AM RBIS BISS GCHB Onsengeltje Enough Said x GCH Juju’s Bewitching Bailiwick 9/28/12 - 1/28/20 22 1/2” Tall 58 lbs CHIC # 100966 BAER Bilateral; Cardiac, Thyroid, DM & CERF - Normal; Elbows - OFA Normal; Hips - OFA Good Raj's Pedigree |
Raj was our second BBE CH finishing at just 11 months of age with four 4 point majors including two Specialty WD awards, a Specialty BOW and a Specialty Best Junior in Sweeps.
Raj inherited his father’s easy-going and fun-loving temperament, and that is what we loved most about him! He truly was a joy to live with! But he was a beautiful dog too - well balanced with a lovely side gait, good bone and substance, a beautiful head with extraordinarily dark eyes, pleasing markings with deep pigmentation, an exceptional front assembly, and a correct tail set. Raj spent the summer of 2014 on the road being a show dog and picked up 13 group placements including a Group 1 and was a 2014 Top Twenty Dalmatian. He was a Top Ten Owner Handled Dalmatian for 2015 and 2016. Raj sired one litter that produced two AKC GCH's including our beautiful Rhani. Limited frozen semen is available. Our hearts were broken when Raj became paralyzed over a 24 hour period at just 7 years and 4 months old. Despite surgery and rehab, it became apparent he would never regain the use of the back half of his body. We had to let him go far before his time. We weren’t finished…saluting fire trucks with a song, getting the best kisses ever, fetching the “cuz”, looking deep into those beautiful dark brown eyes, having his chin rest on our knees, laughing at his endless funny expressions, scratching him under his chin, getting to show him as a Veteran, taking long walks every day, and on and on and on. He was our best boy, dad to some beautiful kids, and he loved to show. We will miss you forever, sweet Raj. |
Lucy - BISS GCH Anticipation Here's Lucy!
Lucy took us on quite the ride from coast to coast and border to border. DCA Top Twenty for five consecutive years, Eukanuba First Award of Merit, and mama of one beautiful litter with four AKC champions, including Baili.
What really mattered about Lucy was her funny and loving disposition. She tormented Cooper from the moment we brought her home, but he loved her. She adored Raj, and they played together endlessly when they both still could. Raj loved her. Lucy loved to go to dog shows – especially when she didn’t have to show! Because at dog shows there are lots of people with treats! She would shamelessly approach anyone with a bag or a hand in their pocket, and 9 times out of 10 she would be rewarded. Who could say no to that face? She would eat anything – especially things she shouldn’t have like Dave’s belt, his $500 leather shoes, two loaves of bread off Mark’s counter, or DCA Versatility Certificates that I was supposed to mail to people! She traveled to all the shows with Raj and me and then with Rhani and me. I couldn’t leave home without her! And even in her later years, people remembered her and would go out of their way to say hi to her. She always greeted people with something in her mouth. If a toy wasn’t handy, your arm would do! She was our only smiler. I regret that I never got a photo of that smile. She did everything I asked of her, and, if it was something she wanted to do, she even acted like she enjoyed it! Other times she just did it but made it clear she’d rather not. What she really wanted to do was lay in the sun or on the couch and be fed treats. She was a sweet kisser, the consummate snuggler, and a GREAT moler! She could nail a mole underground on a six-foot lead during one of our walks. She’d have that sucker out of the ground in the bat of an eye! She was the best tail wagger. Anytime you would touch her in the night, the tail would start going – thump, thump, thump against the mattress. Oh, how I miss that sound. And Lucy was so pretty – right up to the end she would give me that beautiful ears up expression that said – “What ya got for me?”. We are forever grateful to Jacque Delaney and Donna Truitt, her breeders, who trusted us with their puppy. And to Mark Bettis, who loved her almost as much as we did, and showed her beautifully for most of her career. She was my heart dog. We will miss her forever. But we wouldn’t trade a minute of our time with her for anything. |
Bred by Jacque Delaney and Donna Truitt
CH Centurion's Captivation of A and V ROM x Volunteer's Intrigue 7/15/2005 - 2/20/20 22 ¾" Tall CHIC #47420 BAER Bilateral; OFA Hips Good; Normal: Elbows, CERF, Thyroid, Cardiac Lucy's Pedigree |
Bred by Elaine Lindhorst and Janice Brennan
CH Centurion Yankee Clipper x CH Montazh Minipearl Centurion 7/31/2003 - 6/29/2017 22" Tall CHIC # 47419 BAER Bilateral Elbows Normal Hips Good Cardiac: Normal Cooper's Pedigree |
Cooper was a compact picture of the breed standard. He had beautiful movement, a smooth top line, an exceptional front assembly, a handsome head and a stable, loving temperament!
Cooper was the brown dog that changed our lives. Cooper introduced us to many of the people whom we now consider some of our best friends. Cooper - our second Dalmatian; our first liver; our first show dog; was only shown once by anyone besides me because he just wouldn’t do it for anyone else; took first place in his huge puppy class at Nationals; earned his GCH all from the Veterans classes including back to back BISS wins at Murfreesboro; my walking buddy; always long suffering; always the clever one who could open any door and figure out any puzzle; always a little cranky; hated having his nails done but carried on loudly till it was his turn to get on the table; never met a meal or a treat that he wouldn’t eat - banana chips may have been his favorite though; loved to sit in the big chair with me. He was our funny, handsome, cute brown boy. A true character with character. We miss him. |